Accurate assessment of kidney function is important for the management of solid organ transplant recipients. There are numerous GFR estimating equations, but their performance in transplant recipients has not been systematically and comprehensively evaluated.   In a population of 3,622  solid organ transplant recipients pooled from 5 different clinical studies, CKD-EPI evaluated 26 GFR estimating equations and found that the CKD EPI and MDRD equations were more accurate than any of the other alternate equations (P <0.001 for all pair wise comparisons for both measures). They performed better than or as well as the alternative equations in most subgroups defined by demographic and clinical characteristics, including type of transplanted organ.  These results confirm that the CKD EPI and MDRD Study equations that are reported by clinical laboratories can be used for clinical decision making for transplant recipients.



Last Updated: July 2014